Solo show
Wilde Gallery
May - June 2024
«Something like a stain in a garment that will not come out no matter how often one tries to wash it…»
Yukio Mishima, Forbidden Colors, 1951
The body is always central to Joachim Perez’s work, whether through his performances, installations, or embroideries. Thus, the exhibition «I DON’T WANT TO ANSWER WITH A SIMPLE YES» explores the vast territories of desire through the lens of his own experience and the literary echoes that have shaped his artistic expression. Using vintage textiles found in flea markets around the prefectures of Tokyo, Kyoto, and Chiba, the Franco-Swiss artist weaves a visual narrative where each stitch and fold carries multiple and complex meanings.
Perez skillfully integrates the use of clothing patterns into his works, transforming these sewing guides into complex canvases that reveal human interactions, the marks of time, and the wear of materials. These patterns, often perceived as simple tools in garment construction, are reimagined here as vectors of desire and memory, revealing how each trace on the fabric can become an unexpected visual narrative. This transformation is paralleled with his prints, where black ink deposited on the backs of cut linoleum pieces embodies a new visual language.
Thus, the elements not only coexist but intertwine to form a poetics of relation. This interweaving, far from mere juxtaposition, engages in a dialogue where each texture, each motif, permeates the other, akin to Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of the «rhizome.» In their philosophy, they conceptualize the rhizome as a non-hierarchical and non-linear mode of thought, where connections and heterogeneities meet and mutually reinforce each other, allowing the creation of new ideas and forms without a predefined center or point of origin. Contrary to what a superficial glance might perceive, upon closer examination of Joachim Perez’s works, it is evident that the textile is not merely a support; it becomes an actor in encounters. The fabric then meets the body in an interaction that evokes a desire never fully satisfied, leaving room for an incessant movement of quest and exploration.
The title of the exhibition, «I DON’T WANT TO ANSWER WITH A SIMPLE YES» suggests an intrinsic complexity in responding to an unspoken question, thus reflecting the multiple dimensions and interweaving of the presented works. This choice of title evokes the often elusive and enigmatic nature of desire, a central theme in Joachim Perez’s works inspired by the writings of Jean Genet, Pier Paolo Pasolini, and Walt Whitman, where desire is rarely simple and unidirectional but rather a complex weaving of emotions, identities, and relationships.
– Chiara Caterina Ortelli
The 5th Floor
May - June 2024
Curated by Tomoya Iwata
The society consists of individuals. Each one of us navigates differently within public and private spaces. However, when we come together, norms are established within society, positioning some individuals inside and others outside. The subjective experiences and worldviews of those kept outside are forced in the periphery, while the norms are connected to the authority that leads to the establishment of systems. How can we deviate away from the dynamics of recurring exclusion?
This exhibition features the expressions of Nitsan Margaliot, Antoine Mermet and Joachim Perez. Their subjective narratives about urban or intimate spaces may serve as a catalyst to re-envision society from the perspective of “fit,” “unfit,” and everything that is in-between.Furthermore, “UN-FIT” aims to slightly shift the boundaries between two states. By engaging visitors in a world perceived from the perspective of those who question norms, it creates a new archive formed by live participation. Through this, we share the responsibility of shaping the norms of the future with you.
UN-FIT expands on Nitsan Margaliot work Untitled (by your side) from 2022.
Red Like The Sea
Group show
Kunstquartier Bethanien
November 2023
Red like the Sea
Der Titel bezieht sich auf den Vorgang der Rekontextualisierung, welcher von Zineb Sedira in einem Künstlergespräch angesprochen wird:
„The sea that is supposed to be blue is perhaps coming closer to the red color now, you know…..“
Thematisch betrachtet gibt es, wie jetzt allgemein im gegenwärtigen Kunstgeschehen, die Identitätsproblematik, die Genderproblematik und andere sozio-politische Thematiken, Fragestellungen zu Figuration und Abstraktion, Fragen zu Neuinterpretationen, zu Rekontextualisierungen von Kunstproduktionen des kulturellen Erbes. Es gibt meditative Arbeiten, humorvolle, ironisch- sarkastische, poetische Beiträge, Allegorien und Arbeiten, in denen psychische Ausnahmezustände visualisiert werden. Die Auseinandersetzung mit neuen Technologien und das Verhältnis zwischen Technik und Individuum werden angesprochen.
Devenir Feuillage
Group show
November 2023 - March 2024
LRRH space showcases the group exhibition Devenir Feuillage (engl. Become Foliage), a cooperation with POUSH (Paris) and curated by Hugo Holger Schneider (Berlin).
November 2023 - March 2024
LRRH space showcases the group exhibition Devenir Feuillage (engl. Become Foliage), a cooperation with POUSH (Paris) and curated by Hugo Holger Schneider (Berlin).
Of Monkeys and Men
Solo show
Espace Ruine
November 2022
Through this exhibition, Joachim Perez questions our shared architecture and looks at the interconnectedness between humans, animals and inanimate objects.
At a time when the habitability of the planet is increasingly compromised due to human activity, the works exhibited at Espace Ruine address the collective need to redefine our role as part of a whole and to rethink the boundaries of our species. Joachim Perez addresses current environmental and ideological changes by attempting to break down the supposed univocity of many images.
Embroidering on different variants of fabric, preferably old and discarded, his mediums pile up and blend around his subjects. Wool, both durable and supple, has all the characteristics he needs to manipulate and sculpt his characters. With mixed media, from drawing to performance to installation, he encourages us to look at the world through a broader spectrum. His slow and repetitive creative process crystallizes into a visual and tangible form. Spending many hours giving them substance, Joachim Perez probes the discontinuous flow of images to immerse us in an unfamiliar atmosphere.
Au travers de cette exposition, Joachim Perez interroge notre architecture commune et pose un regard sur l’interconnexion entre les humains, les animaux et les objets inanimés.
À un moment où l’habitabilité de la planète est de plus en plus compromise en raison de l’activité humaine, les oeuvres exposées à l’Espace Ruine abordent la nécessité collective de redéfinir notre rôle en tant que partie d’un tout et de repenser les frontières de notre espèce. Joachim Perez traite des changements environnementaux et idéologiques actuels en s’efforçant de briser la supposée univocité de nombreuses images.
Brodant sur différentes variantes de tissus, de préférence anciens et élimés, ses médiums s’amoncellent et se mélangent autour de ses sujets. La laine, à la fois durable et souple, possède toutes les caractéristiques dont il a besoin pour manipuler et sculpter ses personnages. Avec des techniques mixtes, du dessin à la performance en passant par l’installation, il nous encourage à observer le monde à travers un spectre élargi. Son processus de création, lent et répétitif, permet à ses souvenirs, flous et imprécis, de se cristalliser sous une forme visuelle et tangible. Passant de nombreuses heures à leur donner corps, Joachim Perez sonde le flux discontinu d’images pour nous plonger dans une atmosphère qui nous est aussi familière qu’étrangère.